What Should I Do After a Dog Bite?

Dog biting arm

Being bit by a dog can be a traumatic experience, and it's important to take the proper steps to protect your physical and legal well-being. More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs yearly in the United States. Our New Jersey personal injury team provides the steps to take after being bitten by a dog.

Seek Medical Attention

The first step you should take after being bitten by a dog is to seek medical attention. Even if the injury seems minor at the time, it is crucial to have it evaluated by a medical professional. Dog bites can lead to infections and other complications that may not be immediately apparent. Get the appropriate medical treatment and keep records of all expenses related to the injury.

Exchange Information with Dog Owner and Witnesses

It is important to exchange information with the dog's owner. This includes their contact information, as well as insurance information, and any witnesses who may have seen the incident. This information will be vital for filing a claim or taking legal action.

Report the Incident

You should also report the incident to your local animal control agency. This protects others from being injured by the same dog and can also be important in building a case against the dog's owner.

Document All of Your Injuries and Expenses

In order to receive the compensation you deserve, it is important to document all of your injuries and expenses resulting from the dog bite. This includes:

  • photographs of your injuries
  • medical bills
  • and any missed work or loss of income due to the injury.

Dog bites not only leave behind visible scars but can also cause emotional trauma. Make sure to document any therapy or counseling expenses as well.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Dog bite injuries are a serious matter. At Rosner Law Offices, P.C., we know how to handle your case successfully and get you the compensation you deserve. Time is of the essence when it comes to dog bites, so don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. Let us guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights.

Don't let a dog bite leave you feeling helpless and unsure of where to turn. Get in touch with our team by calling (856) 502-1655 or filling out our online contact form.

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