Sharing the Road with Trucks: Tips for Avoiding Collisions

Truck Accident
When it comes to sharing the road with large trucks, it is important to be aware of the potential hazards and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe journey. The size and weight of these vehicles make them more difficult to maneuver and operate than smaller cars, so it is essential to be mindful of the safety rules and regulations when driving near them. At Rosner Law Offices, we understand the importance of staying safe on the roads. Our experienced attorneys and staff are dedicated to helping our clients in the event of an accident. Here, we’ll provide some tips on how to share the road with trucks and avoid collisions.

Give Trucks Enough Space

The most important thing to remember when driving near a truck is to give it plenty of space. Trucks require more room to maneuver and stop than cars, so it is important to keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the truck. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recommends that you give the truck at least a four-second gap between your car and the truck. This is especially important when the truck is turning or changing lanes.

Be Aware of Blind Spots

Trucks have large blind spots, also known as “no-zones”, which can make it difficult for the truck driver to see you. Be sure to stay out of these areas, which include the truck’s side mirrors, the area directly in front of the truck, and the area directly behind the truck. If you can’t see the truck’s mirrors, then the truck driver can’t see you either.

Avoid Cutting In Front of Trucks

Due to their size and weight, it takes longer for trucks to stop than it does for cars. So, it is important to avoid cutting in front of a truck, as it can be difficult for the driver to stop in time to avoid a collision. If you need to pass a truck, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recommends that you pass on the left side and make sure you have enough time and space to do so safely.

Be Aware of Wide Turns

Trucks need to make wide turns due to their size, so it is important to be aware of this when driving near them. If you are behind a truck that is turning, be sure to stay back and give the truck enough room to complete the turn safely.

Stay Alert

It is important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings when driving near trucks. Be sure to watch for any sudden stops or changes in speed, and always be prepared to take evasive action if necessary. At Rosner Law Offices, we understand the importance of staying safe on the roads. Our experienced attorneys and staff are dedicated to helping our clients in the event of an accident. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.